(Click on title for more info)

The life of the author, Maya Angelou

Over 3O years ago I was introduced to the Poetry of the Amazing Maya Angelo. I later watched videos of her reciting her poems and WOW, what I had first discovered as amazing became SO much more! She published so many works that to suggest one would be doing her a disservice. This is just a recommendation to introduce her to you. Check out some of her other works. Two of my favourite poems are "And Still I Rise" and "I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings"

A Path with Heart  

A guide through the perils and promises of spiritual life - Jack Kornfield.

As previously highlighted in the ´Meditation´section, this really deserves a mention here too. Given to me by a dear friend just after my mam died. I have read it from cover to cover and still dip into it regularly, selecting specific chapters or just going for a ´lucky dip´. If I had to give all my books up and keep just one, then I think this would be the one:  "Perhaps the most important book yet written on meditation, the process of inner transformation, and the integration of spiritual practice into our western life, A Path with Heart brings alive the possibilities of inner peace, wholeness and the achievement of a happiness that is not dependent on external conditions"

"The winner of several awards, A Path With Heart, offers wise advice for an odyssey into the soul that enables us to achieve a deeper, more satisfying life in the world"

The Buddha in Your Mirror

Practical Buddhism and the Search for Self - Woody Hochswender, Greg Maartin & Ted Morino

This was the first book on Buddhism I read. It just made sense of all that I had been trying to figure out on my spiritual journey to that point and at the same time pushed me to discover more.

"While the notion that “happiness can found within oneself” has recently become popular, Buddhism has taught for thousands of years that every person is a Buddha, or enlightened being, and has the potential for true and lasting happiness. Through real-life examples, the authors explain how adopting this outlook has positive effects on one’s health, relationships, and career, and gives new insights into world environmental concerns, peace issues, and other major social problems".

The Joy of Living

Unlocking the Secret & Science of Happiness, Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche 

When a friend lent this to me after a lunch I promised to return it as soon as possible. I not only did that but bought several copies, one for me and others to give to friends.

"World renowned Buddhist teacher Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche - the  "happiest man in the world" - invites us to join him in unlocking the secrets to finding joy and contentment in the everyday. Using basic meditation practices he provides, we can discover paths through our problems, transforming obstacles into opportunities to recognise the unlimited potential of our own minds"

Joyful Wisdom, 

Embracing Change and Finding  FreedomYongey Mingyur Rinpoche 

Well, having read the book above, I went looking for other works he had written and the title and particularly sub-title grab my attention. I wasn´t disappointed.

"Profound, practical, and graced with the author´s irresistible charm, Joyful Wisdom, is as once wise, funny and informed - an invaluable and inspiring guide to life".

Integral Life Practice

Ken Wilber et al

How to put Ken Wilber’s Integral Theory—which synthesizes the teachings of the world’s great wisdom traditions—into practice in all aspects of everyday life, so you can reach your full human potential.

This highly flexible system will help you develop your physical health, spiritual awareness, emotional balance, mental clarity, relational joy, and energy level, within a framework that integrates all aspects of your life. Combining original exercises, vivid examples, cutting-edge theory, and illustrative graphics, Integral Life Practice is the ultimate handbook for realizing freedom and fullness in the 21st century.

Over the last thirty-five years, Ken Wilber has developed an Integral “theory of everything” that makes sense of how all the world’s knowledge systems—East and West; ancient, modern, and postmodern—fit together and can elevate our awareness. Drawing on science, psychology, human development, spirituality, religion, and dozens of other fields, Integral Theory is a revolutionary framework for understanding ourselves and the world we live in.

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